Advocacy for Colombia

What’s Happening?

Colombia is the primary destination for Venezuelans fleeing their country, hosting more displaced Venezuelans abroad than any other nation in the world, and has millions of internally displaced people of its own. Colombia has been welcoming towards Venezuelans taking proactive steps to regularize them and grant them access to services, but many Venezuelans continue crossing to Colombia irregularly without possibilities to regularize their stay. Even those with regular status struggle to find decent jobs and build a dignified life. Internally displaced Colombians also face similar issues to access services and employment, often settling in areas controlled by criminal groups. With limited opportunities, Venezuelans and displaced Colombians are forced to make a difficult decision to re-migrate to other areas within Colombia or abroad, often crossing the Darien Gap.

What Must Be Done?

Refugees International is calling on the international community to support the government of Colombia in its efforts to integrate and support displaced Venezuelans and asks the Colombian government to renew its TPS program for new Venezuelan arrivals. Refugees International also supports resettlement in the United States of Venezuelans and other displaced people in Colombia.   


A Forgotten Response and An Uncertain Future: Venezuelans’ Economic Inclusion in Colombia


Llenar el vacío: apoyo humanitario y vías alternativas para los migrantes en la periferia de Colombia


Filling the Gap: Humanitarian Support and Alternative Pathways for Migrants on Colombia’s Edge


Thomson Reuters Foundation: What Nations Can Learn from Colombia’s Integration of Venezuelans


El Espectador: La doble lucha de los venezolanos en Colombia


Is Colombia a Ticking Time Bomb?


Blinken’s Trip to Colombia an Opportunity for U.S. Leadership on Regional Protection


Refugees International Welcomes Colombia’s Commitment to Regularize Displaced Venezuelans


Displaced Venezuelans in Colombia Harder Hit By COVID-19 Economic Fallout, New Research Finds


Webinar | From Displacement to Development: Challenges and Opportunities to the Economic Inclusion of Venezuelans in Colombia


Life on the Edge of the Darien Gap

Featured Image: Venezuelan citizens cross the Simon Bolivar international bridge from San Antonio del Tachira, Venezuela to Cucuta, Norte de Santander Department, Colombia, on July 25, 2017. © LUIS ACOSTA/AFP via Getty Images