International donors must take meaningful steps to address the Sahel’s worsening humanitarian crises.
Double Quarantine in Gaza: COVID-19 and the Blockade
Gaza’s weakened healthcare system may not be able to absorb the added shock of the COVID-19 pandemic without significant and immediate assistance.
Exacerbating the Other Epidemic: How COVID-19 is Increasing Violence against Displaced Women and Girls
The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the risk of gender-based violence for displaced women and girls.
Institutional Architecture: Does the International System Support Solutions to Internal Displacement?
Do our existing institutional mechanisms support solutions for IDPs?
A Primer on the Trump Administration’s Most Ambitious Effort to End Asylum
The proposed rule would dramatically curtail eligibility for asylum in the United States and would violate U.S. and international law.
Reform Past Due: COVID-19 Magnifies Need to Improve Spain’s Asylum System
The COVID-19 pandemic’s harmful effects have laid bare shortcomings in Spain’s asylum system.
Mounting Hunger in the Sahel: The Unintended Impact of COVID-19 Prevention
As governments combat the spread of COVID-19 in the Sahel, an unintended consequence has emerged: worsening food insecurity.
En busca de un hogar: Cómo la COVID-19 hace peligrar los avances en materia de integración de los venezolanos en Colombia
Aunque Colombia ha dado una bienvenida relativamente generosa a sus vecinos venezolanos, las conmociones del coronavirus han dejado a los venezolanos desplazados en una situación de mayor vulnerabilidad.
A New Vulnerability: COVID-19 and Tropical Cyclone Harold Create the Perfect Storm in the Pacific
Cyclone Harold is an essential case study into the collision of the COVID-19 pandemic and the response to climate-related disasters.
Searching for Home: How COVID-19 Threatens Progress for Venezuelan Integration in Colombia
Colombia has given its Venezuelan neighbors a relatively generous welcome, but the shocks of the pandemic have hit displaced Venezuelans hard.