Syrian earthquake victims deserve more international help, but donors must ensure the recovery process does not bolster Assad’s regime.
Newsweek: One Year On, Rohingya Path Out of Genocide Remains Unclear
The Myanmar military junta is still wreaking havoc and the Rohingya’s path out of genocide has been far from clear.
Washington Post: Biden’s Announced Asylum Transit Ban Undermines Access to Life-saving Protection
Similar bars have been marshaled against Central Americans since the late 1980s—severely undermining asylum.
Foreign Affairs: The Weaponization of Humanitarian Aid
China and Russia’s weaponization of humanitarian aid is devastating for millions of civilians. Yet with diplomatic cooperation and persistence, the crisis in Syria could serve as the international community’s chance to tackle the problem head-on and, in the process, save lives in other humanitarian crises, both now and in the future.
Al Jazeera: Can Kenya Emerge as a Role Model on Refugees?
Kenya’s new Refugee Act – if implemented well – could improve access to education, work, and movement for half a million refugees.
The National Interest: Somalia’s 2022 Famine Is Predicted and Preventable
Somalia is in the throes of its worst famine since 2011, but there is still time to avoid past mistakes and prevent further deaths and suffering.
Los Angeles Times: How Can We Improve Humanitarian Aid to Ukrainians? Let Them Control It
Despite Russia’s attacks, Ukrainian civil society, volunteer networks and local officials sprang into action launching one of the largest humanitarian responses under fire in modern history.
The Conversation: Nowhere to Run – The Plight of Eritrean Refugees in Ethiopia
Eritrean refugees, as well as other populations of refugees and some internally displaced groups, are struggling to find safety in Ethiopia.
Nation: To Fight Hunger, U.S. Envoy’s Visit to Ethiopia Must Emphasise Peace and Accountability
The first visit to Ethiopia by the new U.S. special envoy for the Horn of Africa this week is a significant opportunity to support peace and ensure an end to using food as a weapon of war.
Ms. Magazine: Women in the ‘Remain in Mexico’ Program Must Now Be Given a True Chance To Seek Refuge
The Biden administration must take immediate action to end the Remain in Mexico program and allow those subject to it a chance to fairly and humanely continue their asylum cases in the United States.