Hurricane Matthew devestated Haiti and has not attracted the financial support and attention it deserved from the international community.
Accelerating Threats from Climate Change: Disasters and Displacement in Myanmar
Myanmar must confront its extreme vulnerability to climate change.
UN Moves Forward on Task Force to Protect So-Called “Climate Refugees”
Nations will soon meet in Marrakesh to discuss progress on the landmark UN Climate Change Agreement reached in Paris last year. On the agenda will be the increasing impacts of climate change on displacement and migration, including a decision to establish a “Climate Displacement Task Force.”
From Bad to Worse: Deepening Impacts of Zimbabwe’s Drought
Zimbabwe’s future appears precariously poised on an edge.
Humanitarian crises & climate change: What did the WHS Achieve?
Earlier this week, some 9,000 participants from around the world gathered in Istanbul for the first-ever World Humanitarian Summit (WHS). The Summit was the brainchild of outgoing UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon who, during his tenure, has witnessed a humanitarian system strained to the point of breaking.
Confronting the Impacts of Climate Change
There are close to 60 million people currently displaced by war and persecution, the most since World War II. You have undoubtedly seen the media coverage of the crisis in the Mediterranean that illustrates the enormous challenges refugees face in trying to access protection and assistance. Advocating for life-saving protection for refugees and displaced people has been Refugee International’s mission for more than 35 years.
Paris Climate Deal: It’s Time to Get Real
It’s time to get real about whether we’re doing enough to prepare and adapt our communities, sources of income, and ways of life to a warmer, more disaster-prone, and insecure world.
Food Security and Displacement in a Warming World
Climate change poses serious threats to agriculture and food security globally. Its impacts on agriculture include, but are not limited to, heat waves, pests, drought, desertification, freshwater decline, and biodiversity loss. The global poor, who are most dependent on agriculture for their livelihoods, are most vulnerable to climate change impacts on agriculture.
Pacific Islanders Speak Out At Paris Climate Negotiations
I’m here at the climate change negotiations in Paris, covering the issue of the impact of climate change on population displacement. In the past week, negotiators have been hammering out a legally binding agreement that aims to limit global warming to 2° Celsius (3.6° Fahrenheit) by the end of the century. For Rae — whose…
Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change: Recommendations for COP21 in Paris
This document answers questions about migration, displacement, and planned relocation in the context of climate change, and suggests recommendations for COP21 in Paris.