Advocacy for Kenya

What’s Happening?

 For 30 years, Kenya has hosted more than 750,000 refugees from Somalia, South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and Burundi. However, Kenya’s encampment policy denies refugees freedom of movement, the right to own property, and access to the labor market. In late 2021, Kenya enacted a new refugee law that, if fully implemented, could drastically improve refugees’ access to their rights. 

What Must Be Done?

Kenya should ensure that it meaningfully implements its new refugee law and include refugees meaningfully in its economy. Doing so will benefit both refugees themselves and their local Kenyan counterparts. Donors should provide flexible funding to support Kenya’s implementation of the new law, particularly considering that the places where the refugee camps are located need more investment because of their previous history of marginalization. 


Localizing Climate Adaptation Planning in Kenya’s Refugee-Hosting Counties

A father and his daughters at Kakuma Refugee camps in Turkana during World Refugee Day, July 21, 2024. Photo by Harriet Ajimabo

Lessons and Recommendations for Implementing Kenya’s New Refugee Law 


We Were Warned: Unlearned Lessons of Famine in the Horn of Africa


New Research Suggests Kenyan Government Isn’t Doing Enough to Support Economic Inclusion of Refugees


Refugees International Welcomes Kenya’s Refugees Bill


Proposed Closure of Kenya’s Dadaab and Kakuma Refugee Camps ‘Reckless’


Context News: Kenya’s Bold New Shirika Refugee Plan is Model for Future


Newsweek: The World Bank Should Talk to Refugees When Addressing Cross-Border Mobility


Al Jazeera: Can Kenya Emerge as a Role Model on Refugees?

Advocacy Letter

Senior National Security and Humanitarian Figures Urge Continued Life-Saving Assistance to Somalia

Advocacy Letter

Secretary Tillerson Should Promote Safety and Rights of Displaced People During his Trip to Sub-Saharan Africa

Advocacy Letter

Letter to President Obama Ahead of Visit to Kenya and Ethiopia


Kenya’s Shirika Plan Can Dismantle Legal Barriers for Refugee Women Facing Gender-based Violence


The New Refugee Act in Kenya and What it Means for Refugees


Global Lessons for Kenya to Improve Refugees’ Access to Work Permits

Featured Image: Displaced People are seen in a drought-affected area in Mandera, Kenya on December 02, 2022. © Gerald Anderson/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images