420+ U.S. businesses of all sizes from all 50 states have signed onto the Businesses for Refugees pledge, a campaign effort to bring together businesses across the United States to unite and show support for refugees.
Testimony for the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights: Hearing on the Human Rights Situation of Migrants and Refugees in the United States
Refugees International’s Yael Schacher provided testimony at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights hearing on the human rights situation of migrants and refugees in the United States.
Refugees International President Eric Schwartz Welcomes Biden Administration’s Memo to End ‘Remain in Mexico’
The Biden administration’s new memo to terminate the Remain in Mexico program is one step towards an asylum system that builds back better.
Blinken’s Trip to Colombia an Opportunity for U.S. Leadership on Regional Protection
U.S. Secretary Blinken has an important opportunity to show that the United States is committed to regional leadership on migration and protection during his trip to Colombia this week.
Refugees International Comment on DHS and DOJ Notice
Senior U.S. Advocate Yael Schacher submitted a comment in response to a notice of proposed rulemaking by the Departments of Homeland Security and Justice regarding the screening and adjudication of border asylum claims.
242 NGOs Urge U.S. Congress to Pass the BURMA Act of 2021
242 Burmese diaspora groups and civil society organizations urge the U.S. Congress to pass the BURMA Act of 2021.
Refugees International Welcomes Additional Support for Afghans
Refugees International applauds the passage and signing of the Fiscal Year 2022 Continuing Resolution, which will keep the government funded through December 3, 2021, and includes $6.3 billion in emergency funding support for Afghans.
The Hill: U.S. Abuse of Haitian Asylum Seekers is Not New — Change is Long Overdue
Haitians seeking safety have been mistreated by U.S. administrations for decades. It is time for this to finally change.
Memo: Impacts of U.S. and Mexican Migration Enforcement on Migrant and Refugee Rights in Mexico
Refugees International joins other organizations in highlighting the impacts of migration enforcement on refugees and migrants in Mexico.
Refugees International Welcomes Today’s Title 42 Decision
Refugees International welcomes a federal court decision today ruling that Title 42 is illegal and harmful.