
Mosul, Raqqa: The Humanitarian Crises Continue

Following the liberation of Raqqa, Syria from ISIS control, Daryl Grisgraber looks at the humanitarian needs of internally displaced people and of those who remained during the conflict. The physical and logistical obstacles to providing humanitarian aid may be fewer with the end of the fighting, but in a sense aid organizations are now playing catch-up with people whom they couldn’t previously serve adequately or at all.

G20 Letter to President Trump on Syria

We write on behalf of 10 non-governmental organizations with experience and expertise on the ongoing crisis in Syria regarding your upcoming meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin during the G20 meeting in Hamburg on July 7-8, 2017.

Humanitarian Concerns Should be at the Forefront of Erdoğan-Trump Meeting

As Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and U.S. President Donald Trump prepare to meet in Washington, D.C. next week, Refugees International calls on both leaders to place humanitarian concerns at the forefront of their discussion of the Syrian conflict and their shared desire to defeat the Islamic State.

Statement on the Future of Syria Conference

As participants prepare for the Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region conference in Brussels this week, Refugees International calls on the international community to recognize and respond to the continued urgency of humanitarian needs inside Syria.