Advocacy for Mexico
What’s Happening?
Mexico is a sending, transit, and destination country for displaced people from throughout Latin America. While Mexico’s asylum laws are generous, asylum seekers still face a broad range of challenges accessing safety and integration in Mexico. The United States also exerts a great deal of influence on Mexican migration policy, including enforcement measures, which has negatively impacted many in need of protection. Mexico’s agreement to accept U.S. removals of third country nationals and metering of access to asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border through the use of the CBP One app has overwhelmed Mexican shelters and increased the vulnerability of asylum seekers to criminal attack in Mexico. At the same time, violence and extortion is leading increasing numbers of Mexicans to seek asylum in the United States.
What Must Be Done?
Refugees International is urging the government of Mexico to continue to invest in its protection system and improve the ability of asylum seekers and refugees to gain access to work and services. It also recommends ways the United States and Mexico can collaborate to increase access to protection – including by facilitating safe passage or pathways from Mexico to the United States– rather than on enforcement that puts asylum seekers at risk of harm and continued displacement.
Latest Reports and Briefs
Pushed into the Shadows: Mexico’s Reception of Haitian Migrants
April 28, 2022
MPP as a Microcosm: What’s Wrong with Asylum at the Border and How to Fix It
February 11, 2022
Networks of Care for Displaced LGBTQ+ People: How the United States Can Support LGBTQ+-led Organizations in Central America and Mexico
January 27, 2022
Latest Opinions, Q&As, and Explainers
Q&A: Meet Migrant Women’s Rights Advocate Stacie Girón of Espacio Migrante
October 10, 2023
Preguntas y respuestas: Conozcan a Stacie Girón de Espacio Migrante, defensora de los derechos de las mujeres migrantes
October 10, 2023
A Legal Win for Access to Asylum in the United States: Q&A with Yael Schacher
April 17, 2023
Latest Advocacy Letters
The Biden Administration Must Immediately Stop Conducting Credible Fear Interviews in CBP Custody
June 5, 2023
Recommendations for the Shelter and Services Program: Making Possible Sustainable, Orderly, and Safe Reception at the US-Mexico Border
April 24, 2023
+90 Civil Society Orgs Urge Leaders to Uphold Rights, Access to Asylum at North American Leaders’ Summit
January 9, 2023