In March 2019, Cyclone Idai hit the east coast of Africa. It was an unprecedented storm that devastated parts of southern Africa. The cyclone was an added blow to countries already struggling with poverty and food insecurity. Not only did Idai cause massive damage to infrastructure, homes, and farmland, but the storm killed over a thousand people, according to conservative estimates. A true death toll may never be known.
About a month after Idai made landfall, Cyclone Kenneth hit northern Mozambique. The fact that two cyclones hit the area in the same season is remarkable. Resources going toward those who survived Idai were suddenly needed in the north instead. Despite the huge scale of these disasters, to the casual observer, they were only a blip in the international news cycle.
Now, people are trying to rebuild, but they fear future storms – with good reason. The climate is changing and the frequency of unusually severe storms like these are expected to increase.